After most of the travelers have left Simone on the planet Pasnuck to take part in its settlement and settle there, the ship starts with a crew of only 19 people to visit the new homeworld of the Federation Terra on Gelfi-Prime.The way there leads through wide areas of space, in which humans have never been before and other species have their habitat.Helva and Candith, the animated, immortal androidesses and Helva's immortal husband, Tom, meet together with their crew members of foreign species and must learn that these are not always peace-loving. They make enemies, but they also make new friends and meet other androids, also fugitives from Earth, who hide a dark secret.In order to face the potential dangers far away from the Federation space, they finally form an alliance with other space travelers and thus lay the foundation for the emergence of a new society on the ship of the Eternals.
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